Introducing Receipts and Payments
Receipts and Payments are where you will probably spend most of your time in Clubtreasurer. As treasurer or bookkeeper recording your receipt and payment activities is a key part of your role.
- Receipts are used to record cash receipts or income into your organisation, such as membership fees, customer payments for goods and services, or cash received from your fundraising events and activities.
- Payments record cash payments or expenditure, such as paying for goods and services or for expenses incurred during your club’s activities.
You can enter Multiple Transaction Lines in a single Receipt/Payment Batch
You can enter multiple Transaction Lines within a single Receipt/Payment batch if you need to split out and allocate related transactions across different Cost Codes, Funds, Events and Members
Receipt/Payment batches share the same Account, Date, Pay-in/Payment, Invoice, and Reconciliation details.
- See Creating Receipts and Payments for more details.
You can mix Receipt and Payment Transactions in a Receipt/Payment Batch
You can also combine Receipt and Payment Transaction Lines in a Receipt/Payment batch. This can be useful, for instance, if you need to enter a receipt that also has related transaction charges.
- See Creating Receipts and Payments for more details.
Cash Accounting vs. Accruals Accounting
For most organisations, using standard Receipts & Payments to record cash-in and cash-out transactions is perfectly adequate for your needs.
If your organisation needs to produce accounts on an accruals basis please see the help section on Accruals and Prepayments.
- See Accruals and Prepayments for more details
Viewing Receipts and Payments
You can view all of your Receipts and Payments in Clubtreasurer in the Receipts and Payments List page. Finding your receipt and payment transactions is easy with simple but powerful search and filter tools.
Please view the following video tutorial for a quick overview of the Receipts & Payments List page features: