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GDPR & Car Registration Details Recording within CT

Posts: 2
Active Member Registered
Topic starter

Is there any field within the membership screens, where I can record our Member's Car Registration numbers? _ I have been advised that this a requirement of GDPR and we do obtain registration numbers from members as we have an agreement with a business, who allow us to use their car park a couple of weekends a year, but we have to provide the details to them.

Posted : 28/04/2024 8:49 pm
CT Support
Posts: 130
Support Team Admin

Hi rayquiz22

You can use the Extended Member Details feature to create new custom field(s).  Just navigate to:

Setup > Membership Setup > Membership Details > Extended Member Details tab

I recommend using the Custom Details Tab region.

Please see this Help page for more details:

Posted : 28/04/2024 9:27 pm