More than one "session"
I am a new user, taking over my club's treasurer responsibilities and just getting used to ClubTreasurer. I am importing bank transactions and wanted to check cost codes used in the past. I therefore opened another ClubTreasurer tab and logged in again. However, this logged me out of my import session. How can I have multiple windows or tabs logged in?

Hi Julian,
Welcome to Clubtreasurer!
As you've seen, it is not possible to run multiple concurrent Clubtreasurer sessions using the same login credentials - this is to avoid potential state & data conflicts between the sessions. However, it is possible to temporarily duplicate a session browser tab (right click the tab or a menu item) which will open a new tab with the same session credentials. A BIG caveat is that the duplicate tab should only be used to view or read data, and not to save or update. So, its OK to use this to quickly check an existing Cost Code - and you should always close the duplicate tab when done.
I hope this helps.