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Joint memberships

Posts: 1
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My organisation has three types of membership: single, family, and life.

Single memberships are for adults aged 18+.

Family memberships are any family group consisting of 2 adults and any number of dependent children, below the age 18.

Life memberships are presented by the organisation for approved eligible members.

Single and family memberships require paying an annual fee.

Assigning a Membership, and tracking billing for single members is straight forward.

However, I am not sure how to represent the family memberships. For various record keeping purposes, including insurance, child protection, and so on, we have to record each person within a family group as a separate member. This is fine for just linking a Membership, but I am not sure how to track the billing side of things.

One option I thought of is to create two 'membership' types for families: one that has a fee, which is allocated to the fee-payer in the family, and a zero-fee clone, which is allocated to the other family members. This would allow me to track the payments, and allows our membership officer to quickly see who has paid each year when the fees are due.

Is this a workable solution? Are there any other solutions you can suggest?

Posted : 05/05/2024 11:04 pm