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[Solved] Leave Site appears even after save

Posts: 3
Active Member Registered
Topic starter

Since the June 23 upgrade, I have noticed that every time I wish to exit a transaction or edit a line in copied batch transaction I get the message about leaving the site and changes not being saved. This happens even if I have just clicked save. It is making editing new and copied transaction slower and more annoying. Is it a big or is it part of the upgrade?

Posted : 16/06/2023 11:47 am
CT Support
Posts: 154
Support Team Admin

Thanks for reporting this. We've done some fine-tuning to the page and have now removed the message.   (FYI, Although immensely annoying, this is a harmless browser message - you can click  "Leave" to continue and your data will be OK.)

Posted : 16/06/2023 7:11 pm