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[Solved] Recording Transfers between Funds or Events against an income/expenditure Cost Code

CT Support
Posts: 141
Support Team Admin
Topic starter

A few people have asked if it is possible to select a Receipt/Payment Cost Code when creating a Fund or Event Transfer.  

A typical scenario is where you have recorded the collection of some income into your General Fund and you now want to reallocate some or all of this to a different Fund. Importantly, you want to show this income in your analysis/reports against the new Fund.

In the explanation I will refer to Funds only for clarity; however, this solution is equally applicable if you want to transfer between Events.

We can't use the Fund/Event Transfers feature here because this is used to record the movement of fund/event balances for Balance Sheet purposes. Also, you cannot select a Cost Code when creating a transfer. 

The good news is that this problem is easily solved using a standard Receipt transaction as follows:

  1. Create a new Receipt transaction to record the income you want to transfer/allocate to your new Fund;
  2. Then, add a new transaction line to this Receipt batch ("Add Line") using the same Cost Code, but this time select the General Fund (this was the original Fund used) , and - importantly - enter the line amount as a negative value to create a “Negative Receipt” line. 

This will create a Receipt Batch with 2 transaction lines and a Total Amount of £0.00. Your Profit & Loss Report will not report any income for this transaction batch as the two line values offset each other (Remember that you had previously recorded this income when you created the original receipt).

However, you can now use the Fund Reports to report the new income transactions against your Funds.




This topic was modified 2 years ago 7 times by CT Support
Posted : 23/03/2023 7:48 am