[Solved] Hide Bank Interest from Receipts & Payments chart
How can I hide bank interest from the receipts and payments chart on the home page?
Hi Paul, you can currently hide specific accounts on the Home page charts but not individual transactions and cost codes. The charts are showing current Account balance so why would you want to hide interest payments?
@jim_blog Hi. The interest refers to our savings accounts rather than our current account and although the savings accounts are set to 'hide' from reports they are still included on the first chart on the home page. That charts would be most useful of it showed only the receipts and payments from our operations, so if there is a way to not show the savings accounts that would be great.
Hi Paul, OK - got it - you mean the top Receipts and Payments chart!
We've added two additional views (FY and Month) that show R&Ps for just Cash & Bank Accounts not set to hide >> Use the slider arrows to switch between "All Accounts" and "Cash & Bank Accounts".
We've also added more filters to the pop-up window (click small yellow arrow) so you can now different Accounts.
Good call as a quick enhancement request!
You're welcome! Thanks for the feedback.