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How do I show a Ref...
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[Solved] How do I show a Refund or Credit Payment on my Member Statements?

CT Support
Support Team Admin
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 141
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To show a refund or credit payment on the Member Statement you should open the original Receipt transaction for the Billing Line and click the Reverse button. This will create a negative 'receipt' against the Billing Line and reverse the original receipt.  Please note that editing of a Reversal transaction is limited to Date and Comments only.   
Alternatively, you can use the Copy Batch button but now you will need to re-enter the amount as a negative value and save the Receipt. 
The reason you need to use the Reverse or Copy Batch functions, rather than creating a new Payment transaction for the credit, is because you cannot select a membership Billing Line if it has been already paid. 
The refund / credit will now show on your Member Statement as a "Credit Rec'd" line along with the original Billing and Payment Rec'd Lines: 
