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[Solved] How can I bill my Members for items or services which have variable pricing?
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30/09/2022 10:12 pm
How can I bill my Members for items or services which have variable pricing?
As an example, you may need to charge your members for their use of electricity during the year. The rate and amount each member uses will be different so you cannot use a standard Membership Fee Schedule.
The best way to set up this type of membership is to use a Custom Fee billing rate which allows you to enter the actual billing amount for each Member when assigning the Membership to each Member, and each annual renewal cycle.
- Define a Membership for the Annual Electricity Charge

2. Assign Electricity Charge Members to your Member(s):

3. In the following year, create the renewal for this Member. This example shows the Manual Renewal method - You can also use the Mass Billing Renewals process to create the renewal lines for all your Members in a single process:

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