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[Closed] Can I move my Cost Codes to a new Parent Code?
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30/09/2022 9:30 pm
Can I move my Cost Codes to a new Parent Code?
Cost Code can be moved or reparented in the Manage Cost Codes page (Setup > Cost Codes): Expand the tree or table view to show Cost Codes ? click to open the Add/Edit Cost Code window ? select a new Parent Code.
Please note though that you cannot reparent a Cost Code if it has transactions against it in prior Financial Years. This is important because if you change this now, it will also change your prior year accounts.
In this case, you have 2 options:
- If you don't mind changing your prior-year accounts, you can simply change your Financial Year date so that it is on or before the first transaction for your Cost Code(s). You will then be able to reparent them as above.
Warning: this will change all prior year accounts so please make sure this is what you want to do.
- To avoid changing prior-year accounts, you can use the Cost Code Date From and Date To values to effectively create a new Cost Code hierarchy for your current year.
- Create new [duplicate] Cost Codes (under a new/different Parent Code) and set their Date From value to the beginning of your current FY.
- Open your existing/older Cost Codes and set their Date To value to end of your last FY.
Note you may need to edit Receipt/Payment transactions if you have already used the older Cost Codes this year by changing them to the new ones. (you can do this manually or use the Mass Transaction Change in Setup menu) - When you enter new transactions this year, you will only be able to select the new Cost Codes.
Please check out this Help page for more details:
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