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CT Support
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Please visit this page regularly to get the latest Clubtreasurer updates, new features and fixes. You can also subscribe to this page and get notified when it's updated - click the "Subscribe..." button top of page (You must be signed into the Community forum) 



We're announcing a new feature to allow you to attach bank statements and other documents to your Bank Reconciliations. This will allow you to link your actuals statements and supporting documentation against your reconciliations which which will great news for your accountants and auditors. 

The attachment process works in the same way as the Receipts & Payments facility, ie. you save the share links to your document files which are stored on any cloud-based file storage system that you have access to. 




You can now upload Events during the Import Transactions process - just map the appropriate source data column to the new "Event" option in the import Mapping page.    

Imported Event names must exactly match the existing Events already setup in Clubtreasurer, otherwise the import will fail for that line.

You can leave the source Event field blank for row(s) that you do not want to define an Event. In this case, the system will use the Default Event during the Import Transactions process.

Reminder: You can also import Receipt & Payment Cost Codes in your source data if required. Importantly. the imported Cost Codes must always start with their 4-digit codes (e.g. “4002 Membership Income“).

See Help page for more details:



Fixed issue when entering a new Budget Version where Source Values do not display when changing report view or downloading (csv) files.



The new Invoice Options allow you to set invoice parameters that can change your billing line Due Dates:

  • Invoice Date: You can now enter the Invoice Date that will appear on your documents. The Invoice Date can also affect billing line Due Dates - see below
  • Set Due Dates based on:

    • Bill From Dates will use the Billing Line “Bill From” date plus the membership assignment Payment Term. This is the default setting when creating a new membership assignment.

    • Invoice Date will set Due Dates based on the entered Invoice Date plus the membership assignment Payment Term. 

  • Overwrite Existing Due Dates:

    If unchecked the invoice generation process will only update billing line Due Dates if they have not previously been changed. You will normally leave this unchecked to allow the system to generate both new and reminder invoices.

    When the box is checked it will always overwrite existing Due Dates as well as reset invoice email counts (removing the ‘reminder’ labels).  Use this option when you want to re-run your invoice generation from scratch.


Please see Tutorial 6.1: Member Invoices, Statements and Billing Reports




We've removed the static "Hi Member" greeting and "Regards..." signature text from invoice and statement layouts so that they can now be included in your customer Header and Body text regions. This allows you to now use your preferred form of greeting and signature.

In addition, we're also introducing Dynamic Fields that let you choose if you want to use members' Full Names or just First Names in the Header section.  

Please see Tutorial 6.1: Member Invoices, Statements and Billing Reports





29-JUL-2024 Transaction Import - Member Matching Enhancements

We've enhanced the Receipt/Payment transactions import member matching process to now search for Billing Line ID / Invoice No. in the source details column. The Billing Line ID/Invoice No. is the most accurate matching method and will return both the member and membership billing line when creating Draft Import Rows. Please encourage your members to add the Invoice No. to their payment references so this can be used during the import process. 

We also improved the Transaction Import Reference to make the matching more accurate and faster. 

Now, the Transaction Import process tries to match Members to the imported lines using the following methods in this order:

    1. Billing Line ID / Invoice No: This is the most accurate method that tries to find an exact match with the imported Details/Description column text and the member’s Billing Line/Invoice No. This is the only method that matches BOTH  the member AND the Billing Line and is therefore the recommended approach. 
    2. Transactions Import Reference: This process initially tries to find an exact match with the imported Details/Description column text and the Member’s Transaction Import Ref.
    3. Member Name: If steps 1. or 2. do not find a match then the import process tries to match to the Member’s Name based on the Details/Description column text. This uses a 'fuzzy' search to perform the lookup and is highly dependant on the quality of data in the Details column. 

See  for more details.


26-Jul-2024 User Role and Permission Change - Bank Reconciliations

Please note that "Financial Users" can now perform bank Reconciliations. Previously this was only allowed for Financial Managers and Primary Contacts.  



24-Jul-2024 Account Transfers to Cash accounts can now be selected when creating a new Account Transfer. 

You can now select Account Transfer receipt lines ("Transfer To") when creating a new Account Transfer. Previously, this was limited to Net Cash Receipts only.  Note that you can only select receipts or transfers from Cash-type accounts. Cash receipts which contain mixed Receipt and Payment transactions must be an overall net Receipt. Accounts must also be non-reconcilable.

See Account Transfer Help page for more details.


22-Jul-2024 New Today buttons added to Receipt & Payments List page:

In the Receipts & Payments List page you can use the enhanced Date buttons to now quickly filter your transactions by: 

  • Today > Current Month > Current Financial Year > All Dates

You can also use the buttons to navigate back/forward by a day, a month, or a year. 

If you need to select a custom date range just select or enter your dates in the Date From and Date To boxes.



15-Jul-2024 Receipts and Payments Chart (Home Page): We've added the option to select Parent Code or Cost Code view in the Home page Receipts and Payments popup window. 



5-Jul-2024 Member Invoices & Statements - Member Balance Change: Invoices and Statements now represent account balances from the members's perspective. A negative balance indicates a due amount; a positive balance indicates member is in credit.

The Member Statement layout has also been changed to show Charges, Credits and Rolling Balance columns.


4-Jul-2024 Member Billing - Balance B/Fwd Filter change: Selecting "Include B'fwd Due Balances?" in Member Billing pages will now include positive (credit) balances/transactions as well as negative balances and transactions.


4-Jul-2024 Sub-Events - Set as Closed: You can now set a Sub-Event as "Closed". Previously you could only delete Sub-Events - and only if they have no transactions recorded against them.  Closed Sub-Events will appear in reports but cannot be selected for new transactions.


19-Jun-2024 Bank Reconciliation: Fixed issue with the "Select All Unrecon'd" link which ticks all currently displayed unreconciled transactions that can then be reconciled in a single step by clicking Apply Changes. The fixes corrects the final step that failed to reconcile the transactions.


29-Jun-2024 Member Payment Plan - "Mark as Paid" Date Behaviour Change: When you set a billing line as "Marked as Paid" (or "Marked as Credited') the transaction will now be dated at today's date (previously this was the billing line start date


13-Jun-2024 New Report: Cost Code Analysis by Financial Year Report & Chart: This report is similar to the 12-Month Cost Code report* and allows you to quickly report and compare total income and expenditure by Cost Code for up to 12 financial years. You can find this in the Reports > Cost Code Reports menu (*renamed to "Cost Code Analysis by Month Report & Chart")


19-Jun-2024 Bank Reconciliation: Fixed issue with the "Select All Unrecon'd" link which ticks all currently displayed unreconciled transactions that can then be reconciled in a single step by clicking Apply Changes. The fixes corrects the final step that failed to reconcile the transactions.


18-Jun-2024 Member Billing Schedule & Reports - Major Performance Improvement: We've just rolled out a major performance enhancement to the member billing schedules and reports. This will be very obvious to customers with large numbers of members and/or billing lines.


13-Jun-2024 New Report: Cost Code Analysis by Financial Year Report & Chart: This report is similar to the 12-Month Cost Code report* and allows you to quickly report and compare total income and expenditure by Cost Code for up to 12 financial years. You can find this in the Reports > Cost Code Reports menu (*renamed to "Cost Code Analysis by Month Report & Chart")


12-Jun-2024 Member Delete Change - Member Section is retained: When you delete a member which has historic billing lines and associated Receipts/Payments, the actual record is retained for accounting purposes whilst all the member's personal data is removed. Some reports will show these records as "Deleted Member - Ref ID XXXXX".
This update now retains the Member Section details which will allow for better historic analysis of member income and expenditure by Section.


10-Jun-2024 Setup > Users Help: Fixed the Setup > Users Help page button link.


7-Jun-2024 Bank Reconciliation: The new "Target Statement Balance" border color now refreshes correctly.


6-Jun-2024 Member Unallocated Payments: We've made some major enhancements to handling of Unallocated Membership Payments.

From the Member page navigate to the new Unallocated Payments tab (visible if any exist) and you can now quickly allocate an unallocated payment to an unpaid billing line (any membership assignment) by simply selecting it the required billing line. The system will automatically part allocate if the billing line is less than the unallocated amount. You can also convert an unallocated payment into a "Non-Membership Transaction" if you want to remove the payment from the member's balance.

The same ability also exists the Membership Assignment page.


4-Jun-2024 New "Setup > Subscription" Menu: Promoted Subscription menu to the Setup menu (this was previously a separate tab in the Setup > Organisation & Subscriptions menu).


30-May-2024 Budgets - Add Rollup Totals: Budget entry screens and reports now show a 'rollup' total line for the Budget Type:

  • Parent Code budgets rollup to "Type" (Receipts/Payments)
  • Cost Code budgets rollup to "Parent Code" (eg, "Sales"; "Membership Costs")
  • Event budgets rollup to "Event Types (Admin/Managed)
  • Fund budgets rollup to "Fund Type (Unrestricted/Restricted, etc..)


6-May-2024 Membership Assignment - Cancelling One-Time Memberships: You can now cancel an unpaid One-Time membership in a single process without the need to to also delete the Billing Line first. This makes the process quicker if your organisation uses a lot of one-time memberships and you want to retain a copy of cancelled assignment(s) in the member's record. This is In contrast to deleting an unpaid membership assignments which will permanently remove the record.


6-May-2024 New Member "Inactive Date": We added an Inactive Date to member records which is populated when you set a member's status as "inactive". This is to help you manage your own data protection/GDPR responsibilities, where applicable


8-Apr-2024 Billing Renewals - Annual Renewal Dates now match Membership Year: We've corrected an issue with the Billing Renewals process where you are using an Annual Billing Cycle. Now, Annual Membership Renewal Dates correctly follow your current Membership Year (previously, they only renewed 1-Jan to 31st Dec)


1-Apr-2024 Transaction Imports - Added new "Details" and "Amount" Mapping Column preference settings:


30-Mar-2024 Fixed Opening/Closing Balances in Event Analysis Detail Report: Fixed an issue where the Opening/Closing Balances did not include Transfer amounts.


26-Mar-2024 Receipts/Payments - Side Panel Enhancement: If you click an Account in the Receipts/Payments side panel it will now open a drawer displaying recent Account Transactions:


22-Mar-2024 Fixed Assets - Revaulations and Impairments: We've made a major enhancement to the Fixed Asset Revaluation processing to align with IFRS accounting rules. The new process now shows Revaluations as an "Impairment Gain" credit in your Profit & Loss / Income Statements where there is an existing Impairment Loss balance.

Depreciation Rules & Revaluation Gains: A Revaluation (Gain) Amount will initially reduce the Impairment Loss balance, if any exists. Any remaining Revaluation balance will then be added to the Revaluation Reserve balance.
- If the Asset does not have a Depreciation Rule ("NONE") the entire Revaluation Amount will appear in your Balance Sheet.
- If your Asset has a Depreciation Rule (STL or REVALUATION) any reduction in Impairment Loss Balance will be credited to your Profit and Loss / Income Statement as an “Impairment Gain” instead of your Balance Sheet.

Depreciation Rules & Impairment Losses:
- If your Asset does not have a Depreciation Rule ("NONE") and the Asset has a Revaluation Reserve balance, the Impairment Amount will initially be deducted from this. Any remaining Impairment balance will then be recorded as an Asset Impairment line. The whole Impairment Amount will be reflected in your Balance Sheet.
- If your Asset has a Depreciation Rule (STL or REVALUATION), then the remaining Impairment Amount balance AFTER removing any Revaluation Reserve balance will be charged to your Profit and Loss / Income Statement as an "Impairment Loss".


15-Mar-2024 Bank Reconciliation - Target Statement Balance: A new feature has been introduced on the Bank Reconciliation page. This feature enables you to enter a statement closing balance. As you proceed with your reconciliation, it offers a visual signal, in the form of a red or green border, to inform you whether you’ve achieved the target.


13-Mar-2024 Membership Invoices - Added Part-Paid filter options: Added a "Part Paid" filter option to allow you to filter only part-paid billing lines.


13-Mar-2024 Membership Invoices - New Invoice Email Count and Reminder: We've added an 'email count' to track how many times each Billing Line has been emailed to the member. If the Billing Line is "Overdue" the email will now show a "....Reminder #n" count where n is the number of times it has been emailed if more than once.

4-Mar-2024 Transaction Import - Default Cost Codes are now saved: The system will now save your default Cost Code preferences when you create your Draft Import Lines during the Transaction Import process.


3-Mar-2024 Membership - Add Custom Member Titles (Salutations): We've added a new Custom Member Titles region in the Membership Setup menu (Setup > Membership > Membership Setup) which allows you to add your own custom titles. Once added to the table and saved you will be able to select these when editing / adding new Member records


21-Feb-2024 Receipts & Payments - Reversing "Unassigned Membership Receipts": When reversing Receipts & Payment batches that contain receipt lines with Unassigned Membership Receipts, the reversing process will now change these lines to "Non-Membership Transactions" and therefore remove the balance completely from the member's record. Previously, the system would show the original unassigned member payment transaction AND its corresponding reversal line in the member's record.


2-Feb-2024 Members - Name Sort Order: Member sorting by name is now improved to allow for lower-case surnames (eg. "de-Puis")


26-Jan-2024 Mass Transaction Change - now includes Fund: You can now apply the mass transaction change process to Funds.


19-Jan-2024 Home Page - Event Charts: Added a new report to the Home page ‘carousel’ view to show Events balances for all dates up to your current Period-End (end of current month). This is the default report but you can swipe between Current FY and Current Month by using the arrows left/right of the chart.


26-Jan-2024 Membership Invoices & Statements Emails - Alternative User Email: You can now define an alternative user email that is used when emailing Membership Invoices and Statements to your Members. The emailing process will send a copy of all member emails to this alternative address, if present - which could be a shared inbox for your organisation. If this is not present, the system will use the User's primary email.

Users can add the alternative email in the Organisations table in Setup > My Details > Organisations


2-Jan-2024 SOAL / Balance Sheet Report - Investment Assets: Long-term Investment Assets now appear under the Savings & Investments section on SOAL / Balance Sheet Report (These were previously under the Fixed Assets section)


This topic was modified 3 months ago 17 times by CT Support
This topic was modified 2 months ago 11 times by CT Support
This topic was modified 1 month ago 4 times by CT Support
This topic was modified 3 weeks ago 6 times by CT Support
This topic was modified 5 days ago by CT Support
Posted : 30/06/2024 9:26 pm
CT Support
Posts: 130
Support Team Admin
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The Clubtreasurer Updates 2024 page has been updated. Click this link to view the page.

Posted : 27/08/2024 10:21 am
CT Support
Posts: 130
Support Team Admin
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Click this link to view the update.


Posted : 28/08/2024 10:03 am
CT Support
Posts: 130
Support Team Admin
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Click this link to view the update.

Posted : 11/09/2024 1:04 pm