Welcome to Clubtreasurer
Welcome to Clubtreasurer
A simple but powerful, complete and affordable Accounting & Membership system
for small organisations, clubs and charities..

Learn more and start today


What is Clubtreasurer?

Clubtreasurer provides small organisations, clubs and charities like yours with a low cost and easy to use accounting and membership system to allow you to manage and report your receipt and payment cashflows and account balances, track budgets, funds and activities, as well as keeping control of your members and memberships.

Who is Clubtreasurer for?

Clubtreasurer is aimed at anyone involved in the management of small clubs, charities and businesses; such as treasurers, book-keepers, accountants, membership officers and secretaries. Clubtreasurer is designed to be simple to use and is based around simple receipt & payment cash accounting which small organisations require (athough we can get more sophisticated when your organisation grows!)

How do I use Clubtreasurer?

Clubtreasurer is fully cloud-based and requires no software to be downloaded or installed - you simply access it via a modern desktop browser, tablet or smartphone. Clubtreasurer is safe and reliable, requires no system management, software installations or upgrades. Your subscription also includes additional users so you can allow other members or colleagues to securely access your accounts which is great news for the Chairman, Secretary or even your Auditor!

Help - I'm not an Accountant!!

Don't worry! Clubtreasurer is very easy to use - even if you don't have any accounting knowledge. Start by recording simple receipt and payment transactions and adopt other features as your confidence grows. Make use of the comprehesive library of pre-built reports which you can use 'right out of the box', plus a ton of help pages and tutorials as well our ticketing Support system, which all help to make learning to use Clubtreasurer as simple as possible.



Control Your Cash

Fundamental to managing any small organisation's finances is ensuring you have a clear and accurate view of your cash and bank account balances. With Clubtreasurer you can track and manage all of your bank accounts, savings, investment accounts, credit cards and cash balances.

Record all your cash payments and receipts against your accounts as well as transfers between them.

You can perform regular bank reconcilations to ensure that your balances are accurate and agree with your bank statements. Once reconciled, transactions will be locked-down to prevent accidental changes.

Although fundamentally based around cash accounting, Clubtreasurer also allows you to manage non-cash balances for short-term debtors and liabilities, including accruals and prepayments, as well as stock account balances and fixed assets.

  • Define and manage all your bank and cash accounts
  • Report cash-flows, account movements and period balances
  • Reconcile accounts with Bank Statements
Account Balances

Track your Activities and Events

Creating and running events is a key activity for most clubs and charities. Whether you are organising the Under 12s Rugby tour or setting up a major Fund Raising event, it is critical to have a clear understanding of the costs and income generated by these, and all of your organisation's events.

Similarly, you need to be able to record, analyse and report your income and expenditure against different activity categories, such as membership receipts or food and drink expenses. .

Small businesses can also use these features to track and monitor income and expenditure against specific projects, products or services.

Clubtreasurer's simple design helps you to efficiently and effectively manage all incomes and expenditures associated with events and activities and report the all-important surpluses (or deficits!)

  • Track your transactions against definable activity structures ("Cost Codes") and Events
  • Easily keep tabs on your sales and income categories as well as direct costs and overheads.
  • Report Event surpluses or deficits and compare with previous years or other Events.
Event Balances

Account by Funds

As well as managing physical cash and bank accounts, you can also segregate your cash into separate "funding pools” to help control how it can be spent. Funds can be used for managing fund-raising targets or budgeting, or to ring-fence monies for a specific use - such as “Club Building Restoration” or to control a donation where a donor has stipulated a restricted use..

Fund accounting is especially important for charities who have to report their accounts by different Funds and Funding categories (eg. Unrestricted, Restricted, etc.). Clubtreasurer provides a library of pre-built reports that can produce these details and report layouts for you.

  • Report and manage all of your Fund balances
  • Record and track income and expenditure by Fund and Funding categories
  • Easily report your activities by Fund and Funding category
Fund Balances

Planning and Budgeting

Once expenditure & revenue budgets and financial goals are identified, a key part of the management of a club or charitys' finances is to ensure that actual expenditure and revenues are aligned with your budgets to ensure you reach your targets.

Clubtreasurer allows you to create multiple budgets and versions against which you allocate planned income and expenditure. You can then report your actual invoice and expenditure against the budgeted values. Your budgets can be built as simple high-level summaries, or detailed - right down to individual cost codes, funds or events, as required.

  • Define your organisation's budgets by activity, event or fund.
  • Create any number of budgets and budget versions and compare to each other.
  • Track and report actual income and expenditure against budgets.
Budget Reports

Members & Memberships

Our Membership feature allows your organisation to manage its members, memberships and subscription payments all within Clubtreasurer.

You can store your member database directly and securely within Clubtreasurer - so no more need for a separate spreadsheet or paper records. Clubtreasurer's flexible Membership system lets you define your membership structure and create individual membership items, such as annual membership subs, joining fees, etc.. When you assign these to your members, you can easily track payments made and balances due for your whole membership, sections and individuals, allowing you to take much more control over who has paid, who hasn't and balances due.

  • Securely record your members' details in Clubtreasurer
  • Define your memberships and create individual member payment plans
  • Record membership subscription payments directly in Clubtreasurer and track member balances.
  • Create membership invoices and statements, and email directly to members.
Member Card View

Payment Plan

Full Library of Reports

Clubtreasurer comes loaded with a complete library of reports to allow you to analyse all aspects of your organisation's activities.

All Reports use simple date controls and filters to allow you to retrieve the data you need quickly and easily. When you're ready to produce your accounts you can download your reports to various formats including PDF and CSV files.

  • Transaction Reports
  • Account and Cashflow Reports
  • Budget Reports
  • Stock and Asset Reports
  • Cost Codes Reports
  • Event & Fund Reports
  • Fixed Asset Reports
  • Financial Statements (Profit & Loss / Balance Sheet)
  • Charity Reports
  • Member and Membership Reports
Charity SOAL Report



Take a look.

Click the image opposite to see a quick overview of Clubtreasurer.

If you want to try us you can sign up for a free 30-day Trial Account. See the Pricing section below for more details.

Event Balances


A Selection of Customer Testimonials

Community Centre

"Thank you for this brilliant system too. It's very exciting, using a new system that seems to do everything we need it to do for our accounts - particularly the reporting, and the way it can break everything down into cost centres and cost codes etc. Brilliant stuff."


Scout Group

" I'd go so far as to say the easy to use tools provided in the Clubtreasurer platform have empowered our volunteers; the easy to use reports and graphs make it easy to see what funds are expected, available and spent and the considered approach to the design of the package give confidence in those numbers."

Football Club

"Your software has been a pleasure to use - very straightforward, reliable and effective. It has made the management of club accounts so much easier."


Bowls Club

"I am getting used to using Clubtreasurer and decided to set up an event. This event spans two financial years, so I was interested to see how the software dealt with this. I have to say that I am extremely impressed at the way in which this is handled - brilliant multi-year event reports while maintaining current year profit and loss - really useful and unique in my experience of account packages. Thank you so much for this excellent package. Worth every penny."


Community Centre

"I'm sure a lot of other organisations would happily pay double or more for this type of facility - we certainly would as your software is an absolute godsend!"


Angling Club

"I just love Clubtreasurer.com - I am completely and easily in control of my angling club's finances at all times and able to produce accurate and up-to-date finance reports immediately. Keep up the great work!"

Community Charity

"As a busy small charity with lots of little funding pots your software has enabled us to keep a close track on everything day by day. Just thought we would send you our heartfelt thanks and recommendations to any organisation working with restricted funds in the voluntary sector."

Rotary Club

"Great product that I have come to understand and use with ease"

Theatre Group

"Loving this accounting tool....have replaced old excel spreadsheet based system = so good!"

Athletics Club

"Would also just like to take the opportunity to thank you guys for an excellent tool and great support. When I took on the role I had no accounting records (Im not entirely sure what my predecessors did!) but the use of ClubTreasurer has been a life saver and as my data has built up and your development of the software has evolved it has helped shape our decisions at the club. So thanks!"


Scout Group

"I am sure we are using just a fraction of Club Treasurer but I am very pleased with it and have been recommending to other Scout groups as much as possible."



Choose one of our core Pricing Plans that fits your needs and select optional Add-on features below

  • Premium
  • Single Organisation Account
  • 3 x User Accounts
  • Unlimited Transactions
  • Unlimited Cash/Bank Accounts
  • Unlimited Funds
  • Unlimited Cost Codes
  • Unlimited Events
  • Import Bank Transactions
  • Full Library Pre-built Reports
  • Online Help & Support
  • £6

    per month*
    *Billed annually. Monthly plans also available.
  • Premium Plus
  • Includes all Premium features plus
  • 5 x User Accounts
  • + Budgeting
  • + Stock Accounting
  • + Fixed Assets
  • + VAT Accounting
  • + Advanced Accruals & Prepayments
  • + Mass Transaction Changes
  • + Mass Transaction Delete
  • + Advanced Report Layouts
  • £7

    per month*
    *Billed annually. Monthly plans also available.
  • Add-on features*
    • Membership bundles
    • Manage your organisation's members, memberships and subscription billing & payments directly within Clubtreasurer. The Membership feature is tightly integrated with Clubtreasurer's core accounting functions and we provide flexible pricing options to suit any organisational size. Just add one of our Membership bundles below to your Premium/Premium Plus plan*:
    • 100 Members
    • +£2

        additional per month
      Billed annually
    • 250 Members
    • +£4.50

      additional per month
      Billed annually
    • 500 Members
    • +£8

      additional per month
      Billed annually
    • 1000 | 2000 Members
    • +£13 | +£15

      additional per month
      Billed annually

    • *Please contact us if you require pricing for larger Membership bundles.

    • Premium/Premium Plus Enterprise
    • Our Enterprise option provides discounts for purchasing multiple organisation Accounts, starting from 10% per year for 2 x Accounts. Please contact us for details on all multiple Account discounts.
    • Additional User Accounts
    • Your Pricing Plan includes 3 or 5 Users Accounts. If required, additional User Accounts can be purchased at £2 per month. Please contact us to enquire about adding additional User Accounts.
    • *Add-on features can be purchased at any time with an active Premium/Premium Plus plan and will be prorated with the remaining time on your current annual subscription.


    Any questions? Please contact us:

